Kamis, 13 Juni 2013


Ironman 3 is a film adaptation of the Marvel comic about a superhero with his armor.Ironman franchise has spawned three pieces of film. The first movie was released in 2008, second in 2010 and a third film which seems to be the final movie of the trilogy is currently playing in theaters around the world.

The third film taking settings after the war against Alien Avenger in New york. Tony Stark is now often panic, anxiety and insomnia. Its activities are now much more playing around with the new ironman costume while the company submitted to the Pepper pots.

The main enemy of Iron Man this time is the strongest villain named mandarin. Mandarin in the comic has a super power that is in the ring. Mandarin is also a terrorist who attacked and tried to kill the president of the united States. Just a simple question? Is associated with a Chinese mandarin who today are often strained by America? see his own film. I believe, after watching this movie you will be surprised and shocked because of unexpected plot twist.

In terms of the storyline, the film is much more than a glimpse of Tony Stark Ironman. The dialogue is very flowing and crisp like avenger. Of some dialogue, events Avenger also alluded to in the movie still. From the visual side effects, you really are spoiled, especially when watching 3D or IMAX version. Mandarin in this film has a very strong forces that make human beings have the ability to melt iron, making bombs and set fire to objects through body heat, this project is a research project of EXTRIMIST.Unfortunately, this idea is not a new idea. This idea has been lifted from the title of Fracture Fringe series that makes the human body into a bomb. If you look at the whole, the film is actually more similar to the Batman Begin. proved when watching.

Because Ironman very
connected with IT and robotic, there are some pretty exciting. eg advertising SUN / ORACLE and tracing an IP with a fake ip address. This section looks really inconsequential period of no IP address is just above the 255? . This record alone because I was not comfortable seeing the IT world that feels less real.

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