Kamis, 13 Juni 2013



6 eggs
1/4 teaspoon salt
120 grams sugar
1 tablespoon emulsifier (SP / TBM)
35 ml of liquid milk
90g low protein flour
30 gr cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
50 ounces unsalted butter, melted
50 g salted butter, melted
50 g white cooking chocolate, melted
1/2 teaspoon chili red dye
1/2 teaspoon orange dye
1/4 teaspoon yellow dye
1/4 teaspoon green dye
1/4 teaspoon of blue dye
1/4 teaspoon of purple dye
Filling Ingredients:

125 g heavy cream
200 grams of cream cheese
250 g white cooking chocolate, melted
Cold unsalted butter 250 gr
1/2 teaspoon vanilla paste
Decoration materials:

200 gr buttercream
How to Make:

Sift the flour, cornstarch, and baking powder, set aside.
Beat eggs, salt, sugar, emulsifiers, milk, and flour mixture until fluffy.
Add unsalted butter, salted butter that has been melted, and white cooking chocolate in small increments, stirring gently. Divide into 6 parts, each a different color added.
Pour each batter in 6 different pieces of pan diameter 20 cm height 3 cm were smeared with margarine, and lined with baking paper.
Bake in the oven with the fire below 190 ° C for 15 minutes until cooked. Remove, let cool and set aside.
Filling: Heat the heavy cream, put the white cooking chocolate, stirring until dissolved. Let thickens. Set aside.
Beat the cold unsalted butter and cream cheese until fluffy. Add melted chocolate, pasta and vanilla, beat well.
Take a piece of cake purple, apply filling ½ cm high. Stack with a blue cake, apply filling. Stack the green cake, spread filling. Stack with yellow cake, spread filling. Stack orange cake, spread filling. Stack with red cake.
Cover the entire cake with buttercream.

Results: 10 servings

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